Mindfulness - A fresh start to a kinder you!

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Mindfulness is about being kind to your mental and physical health. So how can you be kinder to yourself? Keep reading and find out!

Let’s split being kinder to yourself into 7 categories:


1. You - being kinder to yourself is very important to improving your mindfulness as it helps you embrace your power and celebrate your growth. Once you realise this, you can then start to hold yourself to a higher standard as you are worthy and deserving. This will help shut down negative self-talk and any judgements you have towards yourself. But don’t take yourself too seriously and have fun, allow yourself to be fully present and focused.


2. Physical - this is all about making sure you are staying hydrated and exercising at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. It may also mean that you start having a nighttime routine so you get the right amount of sleep.


3. Others - Other people have an influence on you being kinder to yourself. Surrounding yourself with the right people will help change your mindset and improve your mental health. You can be kind to others by treating them with respect in order to get it back and truly listening to people when they are speaking. We are all used to worrying about what other people think, which is a hindrance. So learning to stop worrying about other people by realising that most of the time no one is actually judging you and are too busy with their own lives to pass judgement on you. Appreciating the people in your life for the good and the bad as they helped you realise what you need to do to be kinder to yourself.


4. Goals - challenge yourself by trying to do something you are afraid to do, maybe it’s a big goal like running a marathon or going out on your own to the cinema. Being able to do things for yourself/by yourself will help you realise that you are able to get out of your comfort zone and make the most of every opportunity by embracing the unknown.


5. Treating yourself - this is important as it might just be something simple like taking time off work without feeling guilty because you need a break or treating yourself to something you have been wanting for a while now. Sometimes you just need to get out and have fun! However, don’t overindulge in treating yourself.


6. Forgiveness - this is forgiving others and yourself, as well as learning to apologise. This requires you to be compassionate to yourself when you do something wrong and understand that in order to be kinder to yourself, you will need to let things go.


7. Ask for help - it’s never too late to ask for help.



Activities to be mindful and kinder yourself!


30 Minute activities

● Read a book ● Draw or paint. ● Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while ● Get active ● Get up and dance. ● Take a break. ● Listen to your favourite music.

1+ hour activities

● Go for a walk with friends ● Get a pedicure. ● Find a hobby Everyday activities ● Keep a journal. ● Say no to toxic relationships and friendships. ● Meditate ● Encourage yourself ● Try something new.

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