Selfcare Checklist 2022
We at BeReal Wear want to help you get started on your Selfcare Checklist for 2022. We are going to start on the thought process before doing the checklists. Feel free to alter it to your needs, as we know not everyone is the same!
Can I do it?
● This is the biggest question most people face when they start something new, whether it be a new hobby or goal or even this checklist. So, I am here to convince you that you can do it!
● Start it off simple, you are probably doing all of the basic Selfcare Checklist already (go you!).
● Why don’t you add one of the intermediate goals now to your basic checklist? And slowly keep adding when you feel like you can take on another goal for your checklist.
● Don’t worry if one day you can’t do them all and can only do the basics, you tried your best and tomorrow is a new day to start again!
● No one expects you to be able to do them all from the get-go. We all have different schedules and responsibilities, so, find your balance.
● For the weekly and monthly checklist, pick one to start with then slowly up add one or two more. You don’t have to do the same point every week/month, pick and choose with how you feel and if you only do the same one each week/month, then that’s okay! But don’t forget to step out of your comfort zone once in a while!
● If you are worried about it being too much financially, don’t worry! We aren’t asking you to do only paid things. There are lots of fun free/cheaper alternatives to do when treating yourself.
● If you are still worried about starting your Selfcare Checklist, that’s okay! Hopefully, you will still look through the checklists and take on one or two of them, it doesn’t have to be all!
● When in doubt talk to a friend for help!
Everyday Selfcare Checklist
Basic Selfcare Checklist:
● Eating three meals a day
● Drinking enough water
● Brushing teeth twice a day
● Doing some type of daily movement
● Take your Medications & Vitamins
● Do at Least One Thing Just Because it Makes You Happy
● Shower
● Take Time for yourself
Intermediate Selfcare Checklist:
○ Including all of the basic Selfcare Checklist
● Make Your Bed Every Morning
● Try Something New
● Meditate for 10 minutes a day
● Have a dance party
● Tidy your space
● Write yourself a love letter
● Set yourself a morning routine
Advanced Selfcare Checklist:
○ Including all of the basic and intermediate Selfcare Checklist
● Unplug for one day
● Set daily goals
● Clean your space
● Do something for someone else
● Plan a fun day
● Forgive yourself
● Set yourself a nighttime routine
Weekly Selfcare Checklist
Try to pick 1 or 2 of these a week to try , plus everything you do on your daily Selfcare checklist
● Bake Something You Love
● Talk to Someone You’re Close To
● Eat Lunch Away from Your Desk
● Do Some Bodywork Like Massage or Stretching
● Take a Long Soak in the Tub
● Take a Hike in Nature
● Spend Time on a Creative Activity
● Attend to Household Chores
● Set Your Intention for the Week Ahead
● Meal Prep Healthy Meals for the Week Ahead
Monthly Selfcare Checklist
Try to pick 2 or 3 of these a month to try, plus everything you do on your daily Selfcare checklist
● Have a Pampering Treatment
● Try a New Tea or Candle
● Try a New Activity
● Spend One Day Unplugged from Social Media
● Have a Lunch Date with a Friend
● Spend Time Volunteering
● Have an Artist’s Date with Yourself
● Declutter an Area of Your Home
Hopefully, these Selfcare Checklists will help you on your journey to being a better you in 2022. These are only a few ideas and you are more than welcome to add your own or tweak it to better suit you. It doesn’t matter when you start your Selfcare checklist as long as you start it, that is all that matters!